The Interprofessional Federation of Tunisian Tourism (FiTT) guarantees the conformity of accredited companies with the following criteria and conditions
Definition of type A travel agency:
Category "A" travel agency activities are:
- Booking and sale of stays in tourist establishments.
- The sale of tickets of any kind
- Transportation services for tourists
- Reception and assistance of tourists during their stays
- The fulfillment on behalf of the customers of the formalities of insurance for any form of risk which derives from the tourist activity
- Representing other local or foreign agencies to provide these various services on their behalf
Very important :
- The indicated activities can only be carried out by a type A travel agency
- In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, the customer must check that he is dealing with a travel agency and not an unidentified service company or service provider
The accreditation elements of a type A travel agency:
- To have a capital of 100 000 (One hundred thousand) Tunisian Dinars
- To have an uninterrupted bank guarantee for professional obligations worth 50 000 (Fifty thousand) Tunisian Dinars. This deposit would be withdrawn, if necessary, at the request of the Tunisian National Tourist Office, and this in order to cover the amounts due in case of non-execution of the travel agency commitments towards the customers
- Take out an insurance policy covering his professional civil liability
- Owning or renting commercial premises to house the headquarters and activity of the establishment
- Hold a license or agreement issued by the Ministry of Tourism and the Tunisian National Tourist Office
- To be registered in the Tunisian Trade Register: with precision of the type of activity, the registration number and the date of creation
- Have a tax code
- Be a member of the IFTT (Interprofessional Federation of Tunisian Tourism) or FTAV (Tunisian Federation of Travel Agencies)
- Proving the employment of staff trained in the travel agency business
- – Prouver l’emploi d’un personnel adhérent à la Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Social